The Box Man chooses to be "lonely" as a homeless man, instead of live along with other people as society says he should do. Most of us find it a bit odd when someone goes against the norm; A culture has set standards which people generally go along with, usually so they will "fit in" and be accepted. When the Box Man chose to live opposite of how others said he should, taking the risk of being different and disliked, in the end he was happy because he knew he was living true to himself. He wasn't living to please what others wanted for him; he knew that he could never be satisfied chasing after someone else's dreams for his life.
On the other hand, what about the people that do conform to society? You know them: they always have the latest fashions; the newest, greatest cellphone or iPod. Is it necessarily a bad thing to conform to society? That depends: are you doing it just to "fit in" or is because maybe you like that particular style of jeans and know that it expresses yourself? There are people that purposefully go against society because they want to feel different or unique, and that isn't any better than those that conform to society just to please other people. You know if you are living according to who you are, or to how you want other people to view you. If you are constantly living just to please that other person, you will never find true happiness. But, if you stay yourself, are confident in your own style and abilities, and follow your true dreams, in the end there is nothing more satisfactory.
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