Tuesdays with Morrie taught so many "lessons" on how to truly live happy, purposeful lives. Morrie explains to Mitch how important it is to appreaciate the "little" things in life; the normal, average, everyday things like eating, walking, or even going to the bathroom on your own. Because Morrie suffered from ALS, he eventually was unable to use any of his muscles and therefore perform these little everyday activities. He also greatly emphasized completely slowing down and savoring every moment, not rushing through life at break-neck speed, focusing on our career and own selfish wants and desires while the years fly by...leaving us wondering where our life went. That moves on to the issue of selfishness: Morrie is adamant about the idea that living solely for oneself can never produce true or lasting happiness and contentment. Obviously we must address our own needs, but giving of ourselves gives us purpose in life. Everyone wants to feel needed and helping others fills this need. This is what I took from reading this book, however it did not change any of my previously held beliefs because I have already been taught most of these "lessons" from other people or sources. It did, however, give me a new perspective on them.
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