Okay, let me start off in saying that I consider myself in no way to be extremely intelligent. Sure, I may get good grades but intelligent is not quite the word I would use to describe me. I would rather say something along the lines of "I=is crazy." Craccy :D That's more like it. I say odd things and have a very random, aggravatingly disorganized brain. This is apparent from my room (decorated in every sort of color and theme), my style of dress (skirts or skinny jeans, bright colors or all black, sloppy t-shirts or preppy sweaters, flip-flops or converse, etc.), and my very haphazard way of storing schoolwork (e.g., I throw all assignments from all subjects into one binder, or maybe in my backpack and often lose them under all the other papers). I wish I had one settled sense of style; I think I would be much less frenzied. If I could decorate my room anyway i wanted, it would be with "misty rain" colored walls, black molding, black furniture, and bright turquoise paintings on the walls. If i could dress anyway i wanted, it would be all black. I would wear large sweatshirts and skinny black jeans. I would wear dark black make-up, or none at all. As far as schoolwork..that is an easily attainable goal: I would just get orrrrganiiiiiized!
Wow, that was a long rabbit trail, I'm sorry you had to read all of my CRAZY rambling. Just in case you aren't convinced yet of my craziness--I wouldn't want to leave you with any doubt--I will share a brief story about me from my childhood that my older sister wrote down. If this doesn't convince you then you're CRAAAAACCYYY:
"Tonight Alicia dressed up in blue rainboots, pink bike helmet, swim goggles, and carried a cap gun. She came into the kitchen, put her hands on her hips, then pointed at me and said 'Who are you?'
I said, 'Well, who are you?'
She said 'You know--a cowboy.' She then saluted with two fingers, said 'Hail Hitler' and went out into the backyard."
See, if I showed signs of my mental instability and a haphazard sense of style at five years old; imagine what I am like now...
HAHAHA! :) you craccy swedish alice ;D